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Closing Ceremony of 2016 Program

Release Time: 2016-07-27      Browse:1897

On July 22 2016, the closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Programme of the Academy was held at the Science and Art Center of Xiamen University.

Moderated by Professor Chia-Jui Cheng, the Secretary-General of the Curatorium of Xiamen Academy of International Law, the Closing Ceremony began with the speech delivered by Prof. Junji Nakagawa from University of Tokyo. He made a very general review with regard to the past three weeks’ lectures and congratulated the participants’ graduation. He spoke highly of the role of the program in the International Law, hoping that the summer school would continue to enlighten its participants in the future. Prof. Paul Dempsey from McGill University Institute of Air & Space Law then came to the stage and shared his own feeling when he first studied International Law. He concluded in an emotional way that everybody should find the thing that he/she truly loves. When you were doing your favorite thing, you would be totally immersed in it and forget the time.

Then Ms. Zhou Lei, the Deputy-Secretary of CPC Committee of the School of Law of Xiamen University, showed her thanks for the lecturing professors and her congratulations to all participants. She also took the opportunity to briefly introduce the school of Law, and welcome our participants to join in this institution through various educational programs.

After these speeches came the remarks by student representatives and volunteer representatives. Ms. Zheng Yijun first sent her gratitude to professors and her fellows. She said that though the separation was just at the corner, the friendship among all the participants would never be gone. Rebecca represented the overseas attendees to recall those happy memories during the past three weeks. She encouraged every participants using the gains to make some contribution to the society. Representing the volunteers, Ms. Wen Zhiyuan mentioned that though the volunteers’ work often came with many difficulties which they had naver met before, but they all managed somehow to overcome them. It’s indeed an unforgettable experience for every volunteer.

In the next session, Professor Paul Dempsey, Professor Zeng huaqun, Professor Junji Nakagawa, and Ms Zhou lei delivered respectively various certificates including the certificate for attendance, the certificate for outstanding student, the certificate for volunteer as well as the certificate for outstanding volunteer.

Afterwards, Professor Zeng Huaqun, Co-president of the Academy delivered a summary speech. He expressed his gratitude to all the teachers, students and volunteers for their endeavor for the success of the programme. He posed a question why we study International Law and how can International Law be applied into the specific area. He emphasized that it’s the faith for human right, peace and better future that help us go further. Finally, with Professor Chia-Jui Cheng’s a brief summary and his wish for the same success in next year’s summer programme, the closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Programme of Xiamen Academy of International Law came to a successful end.

Report by Lin Jiaying, Photo by Zhong-Ding-Wen Studio