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2019 Party Time!

Release Time: 2019-07-26      Browse:588

6:00p.m., in the Xiamen Millennium Harbor Hotel, volunteers were fastidious in the preparation for the party, decorating the hall with colorful balloons and looking forward to the beginning of the party…

7:00p.m., students arrived one after another. Promotional videos of Xiamen and Xiamen University were playing on the screen, emitting their great charm to Chinese and foreign students…

8:00p.m.,toastmasters officially announced the party’s opening, followed by a video recording of the last two weeks of this program, which brought back happy memories for the audience. Then the cheerful music Cha-Cha Slide broke the ice and heated up the stage, with almost everyone joining the dance fervidly.

Then came the game “Musical Chairs” that created a pleasant atmosphere and brought laughter to everyone. As always, there were fresh fruits, delicious snacks and drinks prepared for teachers and students. After a short break, the party continued with a Salsa dance performed by Adriana Camelia Tirnacop, inter actingwith participants by teaching them some moves. The charming figure and the graceful dance held a fascination for the audience and won unstoppable applause. 

Then Li Haoen gave us a rap whose dynamic rhythm brought the atmosphere of the party to a climax.The medley performed by volunteers was intoxicating melodious, especially the violin solo, and thus the audience was immersed in its beautiful melody. The party ended with an interesting game “Grape and Spoon”. It's worth mentioning that infected by the cheerful atmosphere, Professor ChenHuiping and Ms. Xiao also participated in the game.

Two hours passed by quickly and we ended up taking a group photo to record the fun tonight. We believe that tonight would be one of the most impressive nights through this summer program!

Report by Wu Wenting