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Closing Ceremony of 2019 Program

Release Time: 2019-07-29      Browse:804

On the afternoon of July 26th, with the closing ceremony held in the Millennium Harbourview Hotel, 2019 Summe Program of the Xiamen Academy of International Law officially declared an end.

As the moderator of the ceremony, Professor Chia-Jui Cheng, Secretary-General of the Curatorium of Xiamen Academy announced the beginning of the ceremony. H.E.Judge Abdulqawi A. Yusuf, President and Judge of International Court of Justice delivered a speech first. He expressed his pleasure about the teaching experience, full of ideas colliding and viewpoints exchanging. Saying that the development of international law requires perspectives of different nations, he hopes that the young generation will succeed in their career and contribute to that course. 

Then Professor Anthea Roberts from National Australia University affirmed the friendship with each other that built through this study experience. And Professor ZHU Xiaoqin, the vice dean of Xiamen University School of Law, congratulated the students and expressed gratitude to professors, the supporting team and volunteers that make this journey possible.

After three full weeks of intensive learning, all participants benefit a lot. Ms. FAN Xiaolu representing Chinese participants said that the study experience is a very precious memory and hopes their friendship will last forever. Ms. Lina El Bakir, Ms. Misha Rehman and Ms. Adriana Camelia Tirnacop representing overseas participants expressed their love for Xiamen and appreciation to professors, fellow participants and organizers.

Volunteer work is indispensable and admirable. Ms. WU Siyang representing volunteers said that there were many challenging troubles in the volunteer experience. But thanks to enthusiasm and cooperation of all participants, the program came to a successful conclusion. 

After the speeches, certificates for participants and volunteers were awarded byJudge Yusuf, Prof. Roberts and Prof. ZHU Xiaoqin, including the ones for outstanding participants and volunteers.

Next, Professor ZENG Huaquan, the Co-President of Xiamen Academy of International Law made a summary of the 2019 Summer Program and awarded certificates for Judge Yusuf and Prof. Roberts. And then Prof. Chia-Jui gave out a brief report on behalf of the Curatorium, expressing expectations for the future programs.

The curtain came down on the event and it’s time to say goodbye. We believe that this experience is unforgettable for everyone’s life- participants, professors and volunteers alike. Let's look forward to the next year's program together!

Reported by Wu Wenting