Prof. Lori F. Damrosch is theHamilton Fish Professor of International Law and Diplomacy and Henry L. MosesProfessor of Law and International Organization at Columbia University (NewYork). She was educated at Yale, served in the Office of the Legal Adviser inthe U.S. Department of State (1977-81), and practiced with Sullivan &Cromwell (1981-84) before joining the Columbia faculty. Her publicationsinclude The International Court of Justice at a Crossroads (1987); Lawand Force in the New International Order (1991); Enforcing Restraint:Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts (1993); BeyondConfrontation: International Law for the Post-Cold War Era (1995); EnforcingInternational Law through Non-Forcible Measures (1997); and InternationalLaw: Cases and Materials (2009). She is an associate member of the Institut de droit international. She wasco-Editor in Chief of the American Journal of International Law (2003-13)and is President-Elect of the American Society of International Law(presidential term 2014-16).